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Curricular Committee of the Senate

The Curricular committee of the Senate (CuKo for short) has been granted decision-making authority by the Senate for all Bachelor's and Master's degree programs and the diploma programs that are being phased out. It is significantly involved in the creation and modification of these programs. The Curricula Commission can also define guidelines and specifications in this context.

Legal Basis

According to § 25 (7) UG 2002, the Senate of a university is entitled to appoint collegial bodies for individual tasks within its sphere of influence. The Curricula Commission is just such a collegial body, which is also mentioned in the statutes section on study law and is endowed with tasks and rights. Sections 2 and 3 of the statutes define some of the commission's tasks. The size of the Curricula Commission can be changed by the Senate by resolution.


The CuKo is significantly involved in the creation and modification of all Bachelor's and Master's degree programs. In doing so, it pays particular attention to the non-subject-specific part of the curricula. The curricula must of course comply with the applicable provisions of the University Act, the statutes and the guidelines and specifications of the Curricula Commission. In addition, the commission ensures that the curricula meet quality criteria such as a balanced ratio of course types or certain group sizes. The commission also draws up binding rules and guidelines on its own initiative, which all study commissions must adhere to.

Composition of the Commission

The CuKo currently consists of twelve members, six of whom are from the professorial curia, three from the “Mittelbau” and three students. The members are delegated to the committee by their respective curia in the senate.
