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uniFLOW - the printing, copying and scanning system at TU Graz

In order to be able to print, copy or scan as a student at TU Graz, you can either use the versatile service directly in the Printkultur stores or use the uniFLOW printing, copying and scanning system at the self-service locations with the TU Graz card.

To use the uniFLOW system at TU Graz, it is necessary to purchase credit in advance. This can be done directly in the stores against payment in cash, by Maestro or credit card or online via electronic payment on the TU Graz website. You will need your TU Graz card for this. Authentication or registration takes place using the TU Graz card, all print, copy and scan orders are subsequently debited from a print account assigned to this card.

Further instructions and information on self-service locations, terms and conditions, prices, etc. can be found at


Printkultur is a competent partner for printing, copying, plotting, they produce and sell scripts, stock teaching materials, TU Graz promotional items, laboratory supplies, offer speed binding services and much more;
In a nutshell: our service facility is the place to go for (almost) everything to do with studying - and at fair prices!


Printkultur has 2 stores and 11 self-service locations and is therefore represented on every campus.

More information at

HTU GmbH - Printkultur - Service company of the HTU

HTU GmbH - Printkultur is a service company of the Students' Union at Graz University of Technology (HTU Graz for short), was founded in 1977 and is wholly owned by HTU Graz.

Campus "Neue Technik"

Stremayrgasse 16
8010 Graz

Phone: +43 316 873-5153


Campus "Inffeld"

Inffeldgasse 10
8010 Graz

Phone: +43 316 873-4150


Opening hours

Mon-Thu 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Fri 8 a.m.-3 p.m.