our elections explained concisely!

Every two years the ÖH-elections take place. All students - even those, who are taking a semester abroad at an austrian university - are eligible to vote.


You elect the people who will represent you in the coming two years in regards to your major. There's three levels:


  1. governmental representation: this plane will represent you in the entirety of austria. The governmental representation watches out to keep new laws and policies student-friendly. They also offer a selection of social options and services.
  2. university representation: this plane works directly with the technical university of graz. The main focus here lays on dealing with lecturers and the university's rectorate. The inter-universital representation also offer direct consultation, individual representation and other services to improve your everyday life as a student.
  3. student council: Your respective student's council is directly responsible for their own major. They assist you with questions about individual classes, mediate between lecturers and students and are your first go-to for anything regarding your major.


Representation works better, the more students join in!