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Proceedings of candidacy

Student council


The student council is composed of individually elected members.


To run for a mandate at the student council you'll need to have fulfilled the legal requirements in the period of  the 21.03.2023 till the 13.04.2023 as well as have handed in your candidacy at the permanent election commitee.The attachment 6 of the HSWO is to be used.


University representation


As this election is a group election, meaning a list of people is elected instead of one individual, mandates will be distributed through the list according to the election results. Deadline: 21.03.2023 - 04.04.2023


To create a new list you'll need declarations of support or the agreement of the mandatees as well as the authorised agent. You'll find all details in the HSWO 2014.



Permanent election commitee at the TU Graz.


Legal basis

HSWO 2014


support for filing

You'll find filing support here.


Informations regarding digital signing are found here.