Rules for multiple studies at different universities

In general the following rules apply:



You may elect the students council for any major you're inscribed to.


  • You can still only elect the governmental representation once, regardless of the amount of majors you are doing
  • You can however elect the university representation at any academia you're inscribed to separately.
    • For the KFU Graz the ÖH Uni Graz, the TU Graz the HTU Graz, etc.
    • NAWI graz and electrical and audio engineering students can vote on both universities
    • If you are studying education, you may vote at two universities
  • You may still elect the students council for any major you're inscribed to.


Rules for multiple studies at the TU Graz


If you're inscribed for multiple smajors at the TU Graz you can only elect the inter-universital representation once.

You may still elect the students council for any major you're inscribed to.


Rules for cojoined studies


Examples of cojoined studies are electrical & audio engineering or natural science studies such as chemistry.

A study being co-joined dos not guaranteee that the student councils are too.

This means you'll elect your student council twice, both at the TU and then once more at your second academy.

In total you elect two student councils, one at each academy.


Education majors


As major in education you're registered at the south-eastern bond of all universities. This means you can attend the election at any academy of your choice.