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Election dates

The ÖH elections take place over a period of three days:


Tuesday, 09.05.2023

09.00 - 18:30

Wednesday, 10.05.2023

09.00 - 18:30

Thursday, 11.05.2023

09.00 - 15:00 Uhr


During these time periods you may pass your vote at a booth.



Voting booths at the TU Graz

There are multiple votin booths at the various campus sites of the TU Graz. You may vote at any of those regardless of your specific study.


The TU's voting booths are find here:


  • Campus Alte Technik: Rechbauerstraße 12, EG, ATEG002 (Foyer at the main entrance)
  • Campus Neue Technik: Stremayrgasse 9, EG, CEEG002 (Student workplace)
  • Campus Inffeld: Inffeldgasse 25D, EG, MDEG160 (Foyer Inffeldgasse 25D)


If your major is education or you're doing a cooperative major you can also vote at a different academy. Further information for voting as an educational major is found here.



Voting booths of the KFU Graz

Should you also study at the KFU (Karl-Franzens-University) Graz you may also vote at their booths.


The KFUs' voting booths are find here:


  • Universitätsplatz 3, Karl-Franzens-Universität (Tent in front of the main entrance)