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Tasks of the departments

In order to be able to carry out the HTU's many tasks, departments have been set up to support the Chair, making them part of the Higher Education Institution Representations (Hochschulvertretung, HV). These units cover defined areas of responsibility and relieve the Chair. All departments work together with the Chair and are bound by the latter's instructions. You can find detailed information about the individual departments here.

Our departments

Department for Social Policy

Advice on social policy issues such as grants, housing and employment; also offers help for foreign students

Department for Education Policy

Legal advice on examinations, tuition fees

Department for Economic Affairs

Approval of all HTU expenses (incl. student representatives), annual financial statements

Department for Counselling for Students and Prospective Students

Counseling for future and current students on all study matters

Department for International Students

supports international students during their studies at TU Graz

Department for Exchange Students

Support for exchange students, member of ESN

Department for Women's policy and equality

Information, advice and events especially for female students

Department for Queer Affairs

Information, advice and events especially for LGBTQIA* students

Department for Information and Public Relations work

HTU's presence via social media, homepage, TU Info (magazine) and student counseling

Department for Organization

HTU rental system, organization of events and internal HTU meetings

Department for Society, Innovation and Sustainability

Events and information on socio-political topics

Department for IT

Technical support of the HTU server (mail, homepage, data) and the computer systems

Department reports

The reports of the HTU Graz departments on their activities can be found here!