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Changes from the Winter Semester 2022/23

As part of the UG amendment and adjustment of the statutes at TU Graz, there are several changes in the area of academic regulations. Most of these came into effect starting with the Winter Semester 2022/23. Here is an overview of the most important changes:

Changes Due to the UG Amendment

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Minimum Study Performance

We are reluctant to deliver this news, but starting from the Winter Semester 22/23, newly enrolled students are required to meet a minimum study performance. Freshmen who started their studies after WS 22/23 must complete at least 16 ECTS credits within the first two academic years (4 semesters). This requirement applies only to bachelor’s programs. If this requirement is not met, the enrollment in the program is revoked—students will be disenrolled on November 1st or April 1st. Re-enrollment in the same program is only possible after four semesters.

Exceptions: Semesters during which a student is on leave are not counted towards the 4 semesters.

Students with disabilities are exempt from this regulation.

Students who do not achieve 12 ECTS credits within the first two semesters will be notified by the university that their enrollment will be revoked if they do not reach the required 16 ECTS credits by the end of the fourth semester.

Credit Transfers

Practical courses from school can be credited up to 60 ECTS, while the overall limit for credit transfers is 90 ECTS.
Credit transfers are handled by the responsible academic office, so it’s best to contact your respective Dean of Studies for further details.
General information on credit transfers can be found on TU4U.

Elimination of the Late Enrollment Period

Enrollment for continuing students (paying the ÖH fee and, if applicable, the tuition fee) must now be completed by October 31st (Winter Semester) or March 31st (Summer Semester).

Reversal of the Burden of Proof

For the recognition of exams (e.g., from a semester abroad), internships, or other academic achievements, the university is now responsible for proving that achievements CANNOT be recognized (if the differences between the prescribed achievements in the curriculum and the completed ones are too significant). Previously, students had to prove that their achievements were equivalent; this regulation has now been reversed.

Legal Protection for Exams

From the Winter Semester 2022, the deadline for appealing an exam due to serious deficiencies has been extended to FOUR weeks.
If a negative exam result is affected by a serious deficiency, the exam attempt can be annulled upon proving the deficiency—thus, the student does not lose an attempt.
A serious deficiency exists if the exam would have been graded positively without the deficiency. Examples of serious deficiencies include:

  • Questions from only one subject area
  • Noise during the exam
  • Insufficient lighting
  • Significant delay of the examiner
  • Insults by the examiner
  • Fewer than 3 questions

Final Attempt

For the last exam required for graduation, an additional exam attempt is available starting from the Winter Semester 2022. This means that a fifth attempt is possible for the last required exam at TU Graz.

Facilitations for Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities are entitled to an alternative examination method if the prescribed one is not reasonable for them.
Students with disabilities are exempt from the minimum study performance requirement.
A leave of absence for students with disabilities has been made easier with the introduction of the leave reason “temporary impairment.”