Meal allowance

Under certain conditions, students at TU Graz receive a cafeteria allowance (Mensabeihilfe) of 352.00 euros per semester. This is financed by the Province of Styria.

You can apply for the meal allowance via the Students' Union of Graz University of Technology (HTU Graz).

Required documents:

  • Completed form
  • Current registration form (Attention: main residence must not be in Graz!)
  • Confirmation of studies for the current semester
  • Certificate of citizenship (copy of passport or similar)
  • Notification of receipt of study grant (Studienbeihilfe)

Submission deadlines:

  • Winter semester: October 1 - 31
  • Summer semester: March 1 - 31

Applications can only be submitted within the deadline using the online form below!


Form currently hidden.