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Department for Education Policy

Our Mission:

As the Department for Education Policy at HTU Graz, it is our mission to collect and process knowledge about study law and to pass it on to student representatives. We provide students with the best possible advice on study law issues and inform them about their rights in a low-threshold and easy-to-understand manner through active public relations work. 

Through regular exchange with decision-makers at TU Graz and beyond, we are committed to improving the legal framework conditions for studying. 

We work together as a voluntary team and are happy to welcome new motivated members.

Bipol workshop, on 08.10.2022 


Our Tasks:

  • Advising students on all issues relating to study and examination law
  • Commenting on draft laws and regulations in the field of higher education
  • Support within HTU Graz on issues relating to higher education, university and study law
  • Austrian and international education policy
  • University education policy and curriculum development

You are welcome to contact us if you have any questions:

  • You suspect that lecturers are not complying with study law regulations (e.g. exams not corrected after 4 weeks).
  • You have a general question about study law (e.g. which framework conditions must be adhered to for immanent courses).
  • You have an individual question about credits, recognitions, change of studies, etc. 

That's what we do:

  • We try to answer questions as quickly as possible.
  • We contact lecturers (without mentioning names) to clear up misunderstandings and to point out legal regulations.
  • We discuss systematic problems with the Vice-Rectorate Teaching in order to achieve improvements.

Team of the Department for Education Policy

About Us

Working together 

We work together as a team, although we all have different areas of focus. In regular meetings (approx. every two weeks) we discuss current issues and develop solutions together, or discuss projects to further support teaching at TU Graz. We also keep the information from HTU Graz on study law up to date and regularly write articles for the TU Info magazine.

If this sounds interesting to you, just get in touch at and join us at our next meeting!


Raphael Ostermann
head of department
Robert Schwarzl       
team member
Simon Malacek
team member
Peter Pranter
team member
Eva Forsthuber
team member
Viktoria Haspl
team member
Maximilian Fischer
team member
Timotheus Hell
team member
Anika Kraut
team member
Helena Fitze
team member


Raphael Ostermann

Head of the Department for Education Policy




We will be happy to answer all questions as quickly as possible!

To help us do this, please include all relevant information, such as the course concerned, which curriculum you are currently studying in, when the exam took place, etc.

If you have not heard back from us after a week, please send us a short reminder email to avoid your question being lost.