TU Info

TU Info is the magazine of HTU with topics about Graz University of Technology, the students union and everything else concerning studying and the university life. The magazine is published twice a semester and is sent to students of Graz University of Technology by post. You can register for the physical issues here. Back issues can be found here.

Would you like to contribute? Write us an e-mail to redaktion@htugraz.at

Guidelines for the TU Info:

Here you will find a brief overview of character lengths for contributions. Please check with us beforehand to make sure we have enough space!
All characters include spaces!
For each additional image, statement, info box: subtract approx. 400 characters from the body text!

Full page:

  • Title: max. 30 characters
  • Introduction: max. 340 characters
  • Body text: max. 3000 characters
  • 1 large photo in good quality and high resolution (300dpi) (with citation)
  • (optional) 1 quotation to emphasize in the text: max. 100 characters
  • Author

Half page:

  • Title: max. 30 characters
  • Introduction: max. 340 characters
  • Body text: max. 1500 characters
  • 1 photo in good quality and high resolution (with source citation)
  • Author


  • Title (recurring, slightly modified): max. 40 characters
  • Continuous text: max. 1000 characters, 2 paragraphs
  • No photo
  • Author
