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Join Us

There is always something to do at HTU. If you can't find anything in the vacancies section, please get in touch with your student representatives, the department of your choice or the Coordination Office.

As a student advisor:

In the Department of Student Counselling, we are always looking for students to do the initial counseling for first-year students. The main aim here is to make it easier for prospective students to choose a degree course and to provide them with all the information they need. We are also always on the lookout for students who would like to offer a trial study session (Studieren Probieren), where you can show a lecture from your degree course to prospective students. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to

As a team member:

Many volunteers work in the HTU departments on the respective topics, such as education policy or social policy. If you are interested, simply write an e-mail to the respective department.

Do your own project!

Another option is the special project pot, which you can use to implement your own ideas and projects with the financial support of the HTU/ÖH. You can find the guidelines and applications here.

Stand for election yourself:

You can run for the ÖH elections yourself. Find out early on which legal framework conditions apply, when the next elections are and how this works!

Your advantages as a student representative

In addition to the good feeling of helping other students to improve their everyday study life and the personal experience that you gain during this time, HTUlis (ÖH team memebers, or officially “student representatives in the sense of the HSG”) also have other personal advantages. These include:

Tolerance semester

For each semester in which you are active, you receive a portion of tolerance semester. The amount depends on the type of work you do. For example, as a team member (Sachbearbeiter*in) you receive 0.5 tolerance semesters per active semester.

The tolerance semesters apply to tuition fees, scholarships and family allowances. You can find out more in person.

Free-electives ECTS

As with the tolerance semesters, you also receive a certain number of ECTS credits per active semester. As a team memeber (Sachbearbeiter*in), for example, you will receive 6 ECTS per semester in which you were active. These can then be used for the free electives in your degree program.

Continuing education seminars

In addition to various social networking and motivation events, there is also an HTU seminar 1-2 times a year. Various workshops on different topics are offered there. Free of charge for all team members, of course.

Function fee

There is also a small reward for particularly labor-intensive and time-consuming tasks. Dedicated team members (Sachbearbeiter*innen) receive €80 for their time spent.

Modern workplace

The HTU premises on the old campus, which were renovated in 2013, offer several (PC) workstations, sufficient laptop workstations, a meeting room, a fully equipped kitchen and many other facilities. These are freely available to ALL volunteers.

Student Representatives usually also have their own room on campus!

Flexible work and time management

We are happy if you are a volunteer. When and where you carry out your tasks is largely up to you. It is also up to you to decide which tasks you would like to take on. And how you approach them is usually also up to you.

Studienrechtssachen nach HSG/UG

You also have a number of other rights as a student representative. These are firmly anchored in the law. For example, you are allowed to be absent from courses more often and to request an examination by a commission in your first attempt ;-) You can find out more about this in person.


You don't know yet where exactly you would like to take part?


Or simply drop by the HTU office at Rechbauerstraße 12, ATEG128!