Similarity Check for Students

Since 12.10.2023 it is possible to carry out plagiarism checks yourself. We have negotiated for you at TU Graz that 3 checks per semester can be carried out free of charge. You can find out how it works here.

Technical info

It is a freely accessible course in the Teachcenter of TU Graz, where you can register per semester and use the check.
You can upload 3 documents per semester. The checked documents are not indexed during the check, i.e. they are not used for comparisons in future checks.

SoftwareSimilarity Check from Turnitin.

Data protection: To minimize data, the first pages of the thesis that contain personal data (cover sheet and affidavit) should be removed before uploading.

Technical basics: The following can be uploaded under “Submission”:

  • Permitted file types: .pdf .docx .doc .txt
    PDFs must be searchable (no embedded fonts), page extraction must be allowed
  • Maximum file size: 100mb
  • Maximum number of files allowed: 3

By clicking “Abgabe”, the file is sent to the Turnitin plagiarism service. The result report of the similarity check will be available approx. 30 minutes after submission of the file. The following status will be displayed:

  • In der Warteschlange –  the document is queued for review
  • Ausstehend – results report pending
  • Prozentangabe – results report can be viewed by clicking on the bar with the percentage

Results report: You can read how to interpret the report in this TELucation article.

Further information on the plagiarism check can be found in TU4U.