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Short & Sweet

Your HTU - Your Representatives

The HTU by law is your representation of interests. We represent all students at TU Graz towards the university and other institutions. In addition, we offer consulting and services to make your everyday university life easier. 

We are there for you with over 350 volunteers!

Important points of contact

The following contact points are available to answer your questions:

OfficeMail AddressPhone Number 316 873-5111
Deparment for Economic 316 873-5101
Chair 664 60 873 5100
Department for Social
Department for Educational
Department for International degree-seeking
Department for Exchange -

You can find the contact details of the student representatives (STV) here. Please also contact them by phone or email.

Consulting and Information

Social Affairs

Whether it's working alongside your studies, international students, grants & insurance, studying with children, studying with disabilities or housing: our large department for social affairs knows all about it!

Study law

Questions about the examination process, assessments, courses, study law in general? Then get in touch with the Department for Educational Policy!

Student counseling

We are also happy to help you with starting your studies, changing courses or questions about your study plan, either in general or specifically for one field of study.

Equal opportunities

Our departments for women's policy and queer issues help with discrimination and networking.

Incoming students

Who actually looks after exchange students (Erasmus & Co.)? Our department for exchange students is part of the Erasmus Student Network!

Financial Support

Social subsidies: Information on this is available from the department for social affairs.

Social Pot (Sozialtopf)

One-off payment per semester in a variable amount for students in financial need.

Mensa Stamp (Mensastempel)

Reduction for every meal in the canteen.

Mensa Aid (Mensabeihilfe)

One-off payment per semester from the Province of Styria.

Culture pass (Kulturpass)

Free/discounted access to cultural events throughout Austria.


In addition, we offer money for YOUR project with the special project pot (Sonderprojektetopf), information can be found here!


You can find the exact dates either on the homepages of the student representatives (STV), on our social media channels or on the HTU Infoscreens! Some can also be found in our event calendar.

  • Tenancy law, CV and insurance checks
  • TU festival in the summer and winter semester
  • Sturm-, Glühwein-, spritzer stands, ...
  • Themed presentations from your student representatives



Copying and (3D-) printing, TU merchandise, office supplies, scripts and much more are available at HTU GmbH.

Study rooms

on all campuses, especially the HTU study room at Inffeldgasse 10!


Platform of the Graz students' unions for housing & jobs


Scripts and learning materials

Renting system

Our inventory for your events - free of charge! There are now also three HTU-owned electric cargo bikes!


Student representation (Studienvertretung, STV)

Co-designing curricula, solving problems with courses and lecturers, events, and much more

University representation (Universitätsvertretung)

Discussing and deciding on university-wide projects within the HTU


The “Parliament of the TU”. In addition to professors and mid-level staff (research and teaching staff), the 26-member body also includes 6 students, who each have equal voting rights.

Get Involved

Our members are almost exclusively volunteer students. We are therefore always on the lookout for new people for student representatives and departments!

Depending on your activity, you also have some advantages:

  • Tolerance semester for tuition fees and grants
  • financial compensation
  • Free soft-skill seminars and internal events
  • flexible working hours
  • New contacts and friendships

You can find details under Get involved, or simply send an email to!

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