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Tuition Fees

Principally, all students studying at a university in Austria are subject to a general tuition fee requirement.


Tuition Fees per Semester
(As of October 2024)

Degree-Seeking Students
(after the allocated duration to complete studies + the tolerance semesters)

363,36 €

Third Country Nationals

726,72 €

Non-Degree Students*

363,36 €

* Non-degree students who only attend a university course or the pre-study course are exempt from tuition fees and pay the course fee and the student union (ÖH) fee.

Exemption from Tuition Fees

Exempt for a Limited Time Period

Provided that the designated period of study is not exceeded by more than two semesters (tolerance semester), the following persons are exempt from tuition fees:

  • Austrian citizens
  • Citizens from EU/EEA countries
  • Swiss citizens
  • Convention refugees
  • Third-country nationals with a permanent residence permit in Austria
  • Third-country nationals who receive study grants in Austria
  • Students to whom the Person Group Ordinance applies (in German: Personengruppenverordnung)
  • Students with a residence title other than “Residence permit for students” in Austria

General Exemption

Regular students who are citizens of a country listed here are generally exempt from paying tuition fees. Only the ÖH fee per semester must be paid for the entire duration of studies.

Waiver of the Tuition Fee

Exemption from tuition fees is granted, among other things, for:

  • Study Grants
  • Pregnancy
  • Childcare, Caregiving
  • Illness (more than two months)
  • Disability of 50% or more
  • At least two weeks abroad of study periods or traineeships
  • Periods as a Student Representative
  • Students of doctoral programmes at TU Graz who have an employment relationship with TU Graz
  • Citizens from certain countries

You can find detailed information on the regulations at TU Graz and all the reasons for the waiver here.

Reimbursement of the tuition fees

If you have already paid the tuition fee but could obtain an exemption for the current semester due to a waiver, you must apply for a refund of the tuition fee. You can also apply for a refund if you are on leave of absence for the semester in question, have completed your studies before the deadline for paying tuition fees or have cancelled your studies as a first-time student before the end of the admission period.

In order to receive a refund, the application for reimbursement form must be submitted to the Registrar's Office together with the forms and evidence required for the respective waiver. The application must be completed electronically and must be submitted by 30 September of the same year for the summer semester and by 28 or 29 February of the following year for the winter semester.

The application can be submitted to the Registrar's Office in the following ways: 

  • By e-mail to
  • By post to Studienservice Rechbauerstraße 12/I 8010 Graz
  • Personal submission to Registrar's Office at TU Graz (appointment required)

Multiple Studies

If more than one degree programmes are pursued at TU Graz, the contribution-free period is calculated for each degree programme. Any tuition fees are then charged for the degree programme in which the contribution-free period ends earliest.

It is irrelevant which degree programme is pursued as the "main degree programme". 

If several degree programmes are pursued at several universities, each university calculates the contribution-free period independently of the others. Accordingly, it can happen that students are exempt from tuition fees at one university, but have already used up the tuition-free period at another and receive a tuition fee payment from the latter.





We will be happy to answer all questions as quickly as possible!

To help us do this, please include all relevant information, such as the course concerned, which curriculum you are currently studying in, when the exam took place, etc.

If you have not heard back from us after a week, please send us a short reminder email to avoid your question being lost.

Legal Basis

The provisions on tuition fees can be found in §§ 91 and 92 of the Universities Act 2002 (German: Universitätsgesetz 2002).

Regulations on the implementation of the legal provisions, procedures and processes can be found in §§2 and 3 of the Tuition Fees Ordinance 2004 (German: Studienbeitragsverordnung 2004) - StubeiV 2004 as amended.