Special project pot
The special project pot (Sonderprojektetopf, SoPro) supports student projects that deal with topics that are relevant to the Students Union at Graz University of Technology (HTU Graz) or the students.
Do you have a cool idea for which you need support? It has to do with your studies or is relevant to education policy? Are you lacking financial support?
Then simply write an email to the Special project pot team: sopro@htugraz.at or fill out the application form and bring it to the HTU office.
A few past projects that have already taken place are for example: A trip to the Zwentendorf nuclear power plant, a beer brewing working group for process engineers, the participation in a robotics competition, and a few more!
Please read the guidelines carefully beforehand.
The decision as to whether a project is approved or not lies with the Special Projects Committee of the students union at TU Graz. The people who make decisions in this committee are delegated proportionally (D'Hondt) from the lists that stood in the ÖH elections. This is regulated by the Students' Union Act and the HTU Graz statutes.
Guidelines (only in German)
Fill out the application digitally, not by hand! (Only in German)
Application contains dynamic form fields, open with Adobe Reader if necessary!