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Working and Studying

We in the “Work” department provide information on all questions relating to internships, holiday jobs, job hunting and working during your studies. After all, terms such as marginal employment, work contracts or forms of employment are generally dry subjects at first glance, but they can have a direct impact on your life (and above all your wallet).

Many students are forced to take on various jobs in order to finance their studies, but very few are aware of their rights and obligations as employees. In view of the increasing number of working students, it is particularly important for us to provide the necessary information regarding taxes and duties.

Due to the many grievances that arise as a result, we feel obliged to support those in need with information and to point out possible grievances, regardless of whether these are legal cases or simply help in finding a job. We are also currently working on expanding the information for the self-employment sector.

In case of dubious employment contracts, ambiguities, or if you simply think to yourself “they can't do that to me!!!” - just drop by and we will try to help you. If you have any questions, please send us an e-mail with a brief description of what it is about. Please also include a telephone number in the description. This will allow us to discuss more complex questions directly and, if necessary, arrange a personal appointment.

Working alongside your studies is clearly a double burden and the Department of Labor at HTU Graz wants to help you overcome this hurdle more easily.

The team of the Work department!

Jobs & Links

As we deal with all issues relating to work, we would like to show you some links to make it easier for you to find a student job:

Current job offers can be found at

Further information on the subject of work (only in German):

Forms of employment

Employment relationship

“An employee is someone who places their labor at the disposal of an employer in a relationship of personal dependence in return for remuneration. Special characteristics include being subject to instructions, being bound to working hours and being integrated into an operational process organization.

A distinction is made between blue-collar and white-collar workers. All labor laws apply, such as the Salaried Employees Act or the Working Hours Act, but also the collective agreements applicable in the respective industry. Employees are registered for social insurance by the employer with the regional health insurance fund.”

Taken from the Austrian Chamber of Commerce,

Freelance employment contract (Freier Dienstvertrag)

Probably the most important form of employment for a student is the freelance contract, although there is no legal definition. As a freelance employee, you are virtually independent and not personally dependent on your employer. Neither labor law nor its protective provisions apply to this form of employment. 

The most important characteristics of a freelance employment contract are:

  • little or no personal dependency
  • Freelance employees can usually have someone step in for them
  • they are not integrated into the organization of the company
  • they can use their own work equipment
  • they do not guarantee success
  • they are usually paid by the hour

If you have any further questions regarding social security contributions and taxes, simply send us an e-mail or visit the Chamber of Labor website.

Volunteering (Volontariat)

In contrast to apprenticeships, traineeships are not precisely regulated by law. In addition, the trainee is not an employee and only serves to acquire practical knowledge, whereby neither the regulations on working hours nor the right to issue instructions under labor law apply.

Holiday job (Ferialjob)

The main purpose of a holiday job is training. The holiday trainee is not in an employment relationship with the company, only pocket money can be agreed in advance, whereby the holiday trainee must be registered with the regional health insurance fund. As soon as collective agreements stipulate remuneration, an employment relationship exists.