

Verfahrenstechniker*in (Koerner Chemieanlagenbau GmbH)

Duties and responsibilities:


  • Auslegung, Projektierung und Verkaufsbegleitung von chemischen Verfahren im Anlagenbau von Beizereien, u.a. Berechnung und Kalkulation von Abluftanlagen, Aufbereitungsanlagen, Rohrleitungssystemen
  • Erstellung von Massenbilanzen, R&I-Schemata, Spezifikationen von Apparaten und Maschinen, Kalkulationen
  • Inbetriebnahme und technische Abstimmungen beim Kunden




Nähere Infos: Beschreibung


Kontakt: Bewerbung



🟦 Vollzeit




✅ 20.06.24


🏭🥼Koerner Chemieanlagenbau Ges.m.b.H.


📌 8551 Wies




Ferial-Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) Verfahrenstechnik/Techn. Chemie

Duties and responsibilities:


  • Testbetrieb von Technikums-Anlagen am Forschungsstandort Ebersdorf/St. Radegund für die Produktion von biobasierten Weichmachern in 12 Stunden-Schichten
  • Überwachung, Probenahme und Analyse der Produktqualität
  • Auswerten von Messdaten




Nähere Infos: Beschreibung


Kontakt: Bewerbung



🟦 Vollzeit




✅ 18.06.24


🏭🥼 Kanzler Verfahrenstechnik GmbH


📌 Graz


📌8061 St. Radegund


(SENIOR) SCIENTIST - Molecular Modeling-Chemistry

Duties and responsibilities:


  • Apply state-of-the-art molecular simulation technologies, both classical and/or DFT based approaches, to establish properties and understand/predict the behavior of materials in pharmaceutical production processes (e.g., for prediction of mechanical properties, cohesion energy density/binding energy anisotropy of API crystals, molecular descriptors for electrostatic charge of crystals, surface-specific thermodynamic and dynamic parameters, and surface disordering/amorphization of crystal surfaces)
  • Develop new scientific ideas, methods and technologies
  • Actively participate in project teams/ meetings/ scientific networks
  • Report and present scientific/ technical results and contribute to publications & presentations




Nähere Infos: Beschreibung


Kontakt: Sandra Sünkel



🟦 Vollzeit


🟨 Teilzeit




✅ 13.06.24


🏭🥼 Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH (RCPE)


📌 Graz


(SENIOR) SCIENTIST - Molecular Modeling-Biologics

Duties and responsibilities:


  • Apply state-of-the-art molecular simulation technologies, both classical and/or DFT based approaches, to establish properties and understand/predict the behavior of materials in pharmaceutical production processes (e.g., for prediction of aggregation behaviour, optimize buffer composition, prediction of freeze-thaw processes)
  • Develop new scientific ideas, methods and technologies
  • Actively participate in project teams/ meetings/ scientific networks
  • Report and present scientific/ technical results and contribute to publications & presentations




Nähere Infos: Beschreibung


Kontakt: Sandra Sünkel



🟦 Vollzeit


🟨 Teilzeit




✅ 13.06.24


🏭🥼 Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH (RCPE)


📌 Graz


Software Development

Area of responsibility:

• Residence Time Distribution Model Development and Evaluations

• Software Development with C#, Visual Basic, and Python

• RTD research on case studies with different unit operations


Weitere Infos: Beschreibung


Kontakt: Valentina Troiss



🟨 Teilzeit




✅ 08.04.24


🏭🥼 Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH (RCPE)


📌 Graz


Scientist - Computational Fluid Mechanics

Duties and responsibilities


  • Develop and apply simulation methods for freeze drying (lyophilization) processes,
    including equipment- and vial-scale CFD (computational fluid dynamics) models as well as
    reduced-order models and digital twins based on those simulations. Activities will focus on
    the improvement and development of simulation methods that take into account the
    elements of freeze-drying processes, including:
    o Developing competence in fluid mechanics
    o Learning numerical methods and computational fluid dynamics
    o Setting up, performing and analyzing computational fluid dynamics
    models for rarified multi-component flow
    o Developing reduced-order models based on results from computational
    fluid dynamics simulations
    o Actively participating in project teams and scientific networks
    o Writing project reports and publishing research in reputed journals
    o Presenting results at internal meetings and at international conferences
    with partners and colleagues




Nähere Infos: Beschreibung


Kontakt: Sandra Sünkel



🟦 Vollzeit




✅ 28.03.24


🏭🥼 Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH (RCPE)


📌 Graz


Scientist - Computational Fluid Mechanics and Reduced-Order Modeling

Duties and responsibilities


  • Develop and apply methods simulate filtration processes for protein fractionation that take
    into account the fluid mechanics of the process including the filter cake:
    o Developing competence in fluid mechanics
    o Learning numerical methods and computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
    o Learning to develop user-defined submodel for CFD simulations
    o Setting up models for multiphase CFD simulations
    o Performing and analyze multiphase CFD simulations
    o Developing reduced-order models based on CFD simulation results
    o Actively participating in project teams and scientific networks
    o Writing project reports and publish research in reputed journals
    o Presenting results at internal meetings at international conferences partners and




Nähere Infos: Beschreibung


Kontakt: Sandra Sünkel



🟦 Vollzeit




✅ 15.02.24


🏭🥼 Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH (RCPE)


📌 Graz


Studentische*r Mitarbeiter*in (m/w/d)



  • Verfahrenstechnische Bearbeitung von Projekten als Projektabwickler*in
  • Optimierung von Produktionsanlagen (Chemie, Metallurgie, Energieerzeugung)
  • Verfahrenstechnische Modellbildung
  • Prozessentwicklung (neue Produkte und Verfahren)
  • Erstellung von Verfahrensfließbildern, R&I-Fließbildern, Verfahrensbeschreibungen, Massen- und
    Energiebilanzen sowie Dimensionierung von Anlagenteilen
  • Eigenständige Abwicklung und Koordination von multidisziplinären Machbarkeitsstudien
  • Recherchen




Nähere Infos:  Beschreibung


Kontakt: DI Rainer Kulter, BSc (+43 664 51 05 820)


🟨 Teilzeit
🟥 Geringfügig

✅ 07.02.24


🏭🥼 KULTER Engineering GmbH


📌 Graz, Klagenfurt oder Feistritz ob Bleiburg