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Student representatives of Chemical and Process Engineering Students


We are the first point of contact for everything concerning your studies on the TU Graz e.g. for questions about lectures, exams, problems with such, etc.

You can contact us via E-Mail to or meet us in our office.


Visit us also on our official Representation’s Facebook page or on instagram to stay up to date!


If you like to have contact with other Chemical and Process Engineering students or further questions to senior students, we suggest to you our StV Verfahrenstechnik Supergruppe (Network for all student of Chemical and Process Engineering)


Study Service


The study service of the Graz University of Technology administrates and support you with certain bullet points within your studies as well as the studying data of students e.g. the debut, graduation or change of studies.


  •  Admission to the studies (international, EU)
  • Admission processes for bachelor programs and Master programs in English
  •  Study permission exam
  •  various confirmations for studies
  •  tuition fee, tuition fee management
  •  TU Graz Card (Student’s id)
  •  Granting and Awarding academic degrees, ceremonies and promotions
  •  Sub auspiciis promotions


 The Study Service does lead the central administration for exams


For further information, please visit the homepage of TU Graz


Secretary's Office of the HTU Graz


Renate Kandlbauer is the secretary of the Student Union at the TU Graz and responsible for the mensa stamp and copy points. Aside the student’s representative’s office she is an appropriate consultation, if general questions arise or there is uncertainty whom to contact.


Renate Kandlbauer

Secretary’s Office - Room No.: ATEG128 (Old Campus)


Tel.: +43 316 873-5111


see: Student Union’s Secretary Office


Department for Social Policies


The Department of the Student Union serves as a point of contact for student in questions concerning social politics, such as scholarships and financial aid. It consults in social affairs and does inherit a pot for financial support (English version available) during the studies on request. (Policies of Assignment in German (PDF )).


Summary of Competences of the Department :


  • Financial Aid and Sponsorship
  • Employment affairs
  • Accommodation
  • Students with children
  • Students with disabilities or chronical diseases see also: Student Union Social Policies


see: Student Union Social Policies


Dean's office of the Faculty of Technical Chemistry Chemical and Process Engineering, Biotechnology


The research activities of the faculty does concern basics in Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Chemical and Process Engineering as well as Biochemistry and Biotechnology. The practical orientated fundamental research does inherit topics of material science, biotechnology, Bio-IT, Active Agent Development, Nutrition analytics and -technology, Pulp and Paper technologies and Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering from the laboratory to production.


More information is available on the homepage of the faculty

Also important: The intranet of the facility for students

Contacts of the Dean's office can be found on the homepage at Persons