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Hier werden regelmäßig Ausschreibungen veröffentlicht, die zu verschiedenen Positionen an die BaGru geschickt werden. Falls Sie selber eine Ausschreibung auf dieser Seite veröffentlichen möchten, wenden Sie sich bitte an .

PhD position at the IRF (Swedish Institute of Space Physics)

The PhD project will investigate space plasma processes using data from one or several of their space missions. The research will involve the analysis of in-situ plasma and field measurements, complemented by theoretical modeling and numerical simulations. The aim is to improve our understanding of fundamental plasma phenomena in the solar system and beyond.

The position is fully funded for a total duration of four years. The start date is flexible but should be no later than the second half of 2025. 

For more information you can follow this link or contact Prof. Yuri Khotyaintsev

FEMTech Project: Disks for life - internship at IWF

The IWF is looking for a female BSc/MSc-student to participate in a research project. The project is related to modelling the observability of the inner disk structure of protoplanetary disks with LIFE mission.

More information can be found in the flyer.

If you are interested, contact Dr. Kundan Kadam,


Summer internship at Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change

The Wegener Center offers interships in July/August/September. More info can be found here.

Application deadline: 15th of April 2025

University project assistant (PhD position, full time)

Research field: plasma-assisted synthesis of
green ammonia

More info can be found here.

If you are interested, contact

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Susanne Lux
Inffeldgasse 25/C/II, 8010 Graz, +43 (316) 873 - 7476


Open PhD positions at the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics in Garching, Munich

The Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics offers two open PhD positions at ASDEX Upgrade facility, a medium-sized tokamak located in Garching, which is used to study plasma physics relevant to future fusion devices, such as ITER.

  • Investigation of MHD modes in the plasma edge of ASDEX Upgrade and W7-X. More info can be found here.
  • Experimental investigation of Neoclassical Viscous Torque in ASDEX Upgrade. More info can be found here.

    If you are interested, contact Dr. Matthias Willensdorfer.

PhD-Position: Condition Monitoring of Key Power Unit Components Using Acoustic Emissions and Machine Learning

Offered by: Large Engines Competence Center (LEC)

Task description:

The operational safety, efficiency and emissions of large internal combustion engines (ICE) in power generation
and transportation applications depend greatly on the reliable operation of key power unit components such as
hydrodynamic sliding bearings. To avoid out-of-spec function, catastrophic failure or unforeseen engine
downtime, it is therefore vital to continuously assess the condition of components or the entire engine. Acoustic
emission (AE) analyses have been demonstrated to yield valuable insights in a non-invasive manner. However,
these analyses present a significant challenge. For the research area “Simulation-based Development”, we are
therefore seeking a motivated and innovative PhD student to develop data-driven strategies for condition
monitoring of key power unit components in large ICEs using AE analyses, in particular by employing advanced
methods from the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and its subfield machine learning (ML).

More info (Profile, specific offer, salary) is available here.

If you are interested, contact:

Herlinde Kohlmaier
Human Resources
T: +43(316)873-30118
Inffeldgasse 19
8010 Graz


Master's Thesis at OpNaQ

Sensing Sound with Plasmons – Plasmonics-Based Photoacoustics

Further information can be found here.

If you're interested send your CV via email to:

Dorian Brandmüller: 

Dr. Robert Nuster: 

Prof. Dr. Peter Banzer:

MASTERARBEIT Molekulare Maschinen auf Oberflächen

Weitere Informationen hier.

Master thesis / Summer internship

2 projects:

1) Nonlinear optical phenomena in 2D materials

2) Multi-orbital charge- and spin susceptibilities

Further infos here.

Bachelors and masters theses at the Surface Science Group (KFU Graz)

Bachelors and masters theses investigating:

1 ) A special hybrid interface of a ferromagnetic material (Further information here)

2) Energy level alignment of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) (Further information here)

3) Theses on controlling the electronic properties of extended networks via on-surface chemistry are also available. (Further information here)

paid masters theses at RCPE

There are three topics offered:

  1. Dynamics of a jet ejector.
  2. Computational cleaning validation.​​​​​​​
  3. Adjoint state method for DEM.​​​​​​​

Masterarbeit Hochleistungsmaterialien

Genauere Infos hier.


payed master thesis in Biophysics

All listed projects are performed in an interdisciplinary research team at the interface of physics with biology. Students will receive compensation of EUR ~440.-/month.


Further information may be found here.


diverse Stellen, Institut für Physik

Genauere Infos hier.