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Open Living Laboratory


The goal of the Green Campus Initiative is to establish an open living laboratory on the University of Technology Graz. By definition an open living laboratoy is a research concept,  in which  user-centered, iterative, open-innovation ecosystem, is operating in a territorial context (e.g. city, agglomeration, region or campus), integrating concurrent research and innovation processes within a public-private-people partnership (Wikipedia).


Shifting our economy and establishing clean technologies are crutial tasks but this is just the beginning. As a society we are going to define new values, modernize our lifestyles and adapt our mindset during our march into a sustainable future. To achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals we come together and plan projects, organize workshops and establish new technologies. The following principles guide us on our way:


Green Infrastructure and Climate Change Adaptation


Climate change is one of our most important issues. Since this topic is so complex and hard to grasp we need to talk about potential solutions that everyone is able to be part of. In order to adapt to climate change we build up green and sustainable infrastructure and increase biodiversity on our campus.


Participatory Habitat Design


Together we create and sustain our environment. Ideas turn into reality as interdisciplinary groups of students realize their imaginations. Designing and creating the places we live in not only increase our socials bonds but let us reconnect to our environment and ultimately to ourselfes. These reconnections and renewed social commitment will be the basis of our sustainable future.


Applied Research on Sustainable Projects


Scientific approaches and diverse interdisciplinary teams are the foundations of planning and implementing our projects. Accompanying research evaluates results and optimizes the project's progress in order to develop and establish modern sustainable technologies.


Sensitization for Nature and Sustainability in Technology


Raising awareness of the impact of our every day decisions is crutial. Understanding the effects of complex production chains, energy demand and supply and modern consumerism on our environment increase our abilities to find new ways of living and working. Local food production in cities and research and development of sustainable technologies will establish new business models. Healthier and economically growing we find partners all over the world and help others to start their journey.

