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We organise garden days to come together and work on projects. Planting plants, preparing meadows, creating new micro habitats using stones and sand and building new beds for crops, vegetables, herbs and fungi.


Sharing Ideas with Parents Club of VS Berliner Ring

The demonstration of our projects and the spreading of our visions is an important part of the Green Campus initiative. Together with members of the parents club of the elementary school Berliner Ring we had a fruitful discussion about the benefits and the workload of such garden projects. Rapid and easy implementation of composters and installation of water infrastructure is key in order to set up the first raised beds and wild meadows. After the initial work is done and experience is gained, the project can be scaled up. These sustainable environments and diverse plant and animal habitats provide numerous possibilities for curious growing brains.


Preparations for the winter

Even though the cold season is slowly coming, this does not mean that gardening is over. In order to ensure that the community garden is used permanently and without complications, we want to use the time to further expand the garden infrastructure. For this reason, a garden shed was constructed during the last two garden days. For this purpose, old wood was used which was left over from the renovation of a roof terrace. This would otherwise have been disposed of and probably burned. Therefore this project is a wonderful example of how upcyclimg of used building materials can create wonderful things.


We also want to use the last rays of the sun to start a final harvest. Since it can get quite cold in our latitudes at this time of year, we want to build various roofs for the raised beds. With the help of temperature sensors we want to find out which method is best suited to store enough heat even in colder climates.




3. HTU Open Garden Day

For this garden day we have planned a lot. New raised beds are to be created and the flower meadow is to be extended. Furthermore, old bushes are to be replaced by new ones. The composter should get a new shady place and some herbs should extend our Mediterranean bed. This time a good sound system and a refrigerator with cool refreshments and food sharing food provided a good atmosphere.


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